Learn Anatomy with clear & engaging 3D videos!
We’ve helped over 250,000 students reach their educational goals.
The Anatomy app is designed to help you understand and memorize ALL muscles, their attachments, and actions!
What’s in the app?
☑ Anatomy of the muscular system
☑ Watch in 3D the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle
☑ Specific analysis and functions of all muscles
☑ Animations, pictures, and diagrams teaching you how muscles move
☑ Musculoskeletal Anatomy & Kinesiology videos
Access on all devices!
The Anatomy app content is available on all of our apps.
Read more about it here.
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One of our customers said once:
“It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, the animations in your apps are worth an entire library of exercise pictures and words combined.”
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