
Tag: brachii muscles

Muscle and motion Strength-Training

Biceps Brachii Muscle

Front Double Biceps Pose (part 01) Are you a bodybuilder or maybe you just appreciate the way how we explain muscular anatomy, kinesiology, common mistakes and more? In this video learn what front double biceps pose is. Find out about Brachialis, Biceps Brachii, Triceps Brachii (medial, lateral and long head), Brachioradialis. Anatomy of strength training and […]

Biceps Brachii Muscle // Build Proportioned Biceps – Anatomy & Kinesiology

The bicep brachii muscle at work. You can also learn about how to stretch the biceps (not well known) and the various exercises to train them. The short head of the bicep is the “peak of the biceps” and can be seen when performing a in which one contracts the biceps with the wrists facing […]