
Tag: hips


Kneeling Squat, Hip Hinge and More

Preview new videos from Muscle&Motion: – Abdominal bracing – Kneeling squat – Hip hinge – Burpee – Tight hip flexors and lordosis. With the help of this video, you will learn about proper hip hinge technique and which target muscles are used in the process. You will also learn why a trainee often experiences difficulty […]

Gluteus Maximus – Kickback

We are happy to present our new video about Gluteus Maximus. It’s a target muscle during kickback performing. This muscle acts to extend and laterally rotate the thigh. In our video you can learn more about synergists and stabilizers and also avoid the most common mistake: over extension of the thigh that causes load on the lower […]

Hip lateral rotators muscles

In our new video you will be able to learn about the assessment of hip flexors length. Thomas Test shows great animation and explanation of new generation learning methods. Here you can find more about anatomy, strength and stretching as regards hip lateral rotator. You can also analyse seated hip horizontal abduction and gluteus maximus […]