
Tag: muscles

How to Loosen Tight Hamstring Muscles // SLR Testing

SLR Testing as well as loosening techniques for tight hamstring muscles. Are you sitting a lot? Maybe at a desk all day? The chances are, are that you have tight hamstring muscles and you may not even know it yet! In this video you will learn how to loosen the hamstring muscles for free movement […]

Deltoid Muscles: Build your Shoulder Muscles

Deltoid Muscles in motion. Learn the anatomy and kinesiology of the deltoid muscles. Understand the full muscular anatomy of the deltoid muscles in action.

Muscle&Motion Anatomy & Kinesiology – 2015 Updates

Learn the basics of muscle motion, anatomy and kinesiology. Learning about how your muscles are working in an exercise really helps you to focus on what muscles to squeeze and contract during a specific exercises. A mind-muscle connection is one of the most vital keys to building muscle and without it, you are sacrificing a […]

Hip lateral rotators muscles

In our new video you will be able to learn about the assessment of hip flexors length. Thomas Test shows great animation and explanation of new generation learning methods. Here you can find more about anatomy, strength and stretching as regards hip lateral rotator. You can also analyse seated hip horizontal abduction and gluteus maximus […]

Muscular Anatomy

A dynamic visual resource that makes musculoskeletal anatomyand kinesiology easier to learn, remember and understand. Get an inside look at the human muscles in motion with more than 400 unique animations and video clips. 3D Anatomy of the Muscular System 3D Anatomy of the Skeletal System 3D kinesiology and Anatomy of Movement