
Tag: stretching anatomy


Bench Dip – Dangerous Zone

New Videos: Muscle Up Progression, Kettlebell Clean and Jerk and more… And a few personal words from Amit G. Alon: “I am often asked why I share so many of the videos for free. I wanted to share with you my point of view. Many times when I create a video — I have a […]

Strength Training & Stretching

The anatomy and muscular motions of strength training and stretching. Understanding the anatomy and muscle motions of various exercises and stretches helps you to understand exactly what you are doing when trying it out for yourself!  

Stretching for Injury Prevention & Muscle Growth

The in-depth muscle motion and anatomy of stretching. Many people do not value the importance of stretching for injury prevention and even muscle growth. In this video you will learn exactly how to free up some areas of the body that often get tight and in general, be able to move more freely throughout the […]

Biceps Brachii Muscle // Build Proportioned Biceps – Anatomy & Kinesiology

The bicep brachii muscle at work. You can also learn about how to stretch the biceps (not well known) and the various exercises to train them. The short head of the bicep is the “peak of the biceps” and can be seen when performing a in which one contracts the biceps with the wrists facing […]

Infrapinatus & Pectoralis Minor

The muscle and motion of these small but important muscles. Learning about how your muscles are working in an exercise really helps you to focus on what muscles to squeeze and contract during a specific exercises. A mind-muscle connection is one of the most vital keys to building muscle and without it, you are sacrificing […]

Strength Training Anatomy | Stretching Anatomy

Our new video is full of useful and effective visual information about: muscular anatomy; stretching anatomy; strength training anatomy; functional training; common problems and mistakes. Knowledge is power. Stay strong and powerful! For full access to over four thousand Muscle&Motion videos, please sign up on our website: www.muscleandmotion.com. Happy learning, teaching, presenting and visualizing! Amit G. […]

Hamstring Stretch

Our new video devoted to the problem of how effective you should do seated hamstring stretches. Here we included information about: hip joint, trunk flexion, posture position, common mistakes, elongation. It is necessary to pay attention to the details during stretch exercises and concentate direct attention to the top of the head. Find out how to […]